5 Productivity Experiments for 2014


It always makes me laugh when people tell me that I seem to have it all together (whatever that even means!), because my life can look pretty darn messy and chaotic at times from my perspective.

One of the things that I am eternally trying to get a handle on is that awful ‘p word’:


There are a million articles, blog posts, books, and tip sheets out there promising to make you faster, more effective, and more focused in your work. And there are certainly no shortage of stories about super productive people whose routines seem so insanely efficient that you can’t help but wonder if they’re even human (I’m lookin’ at you, Ryan Holiday).

I’ve personally found the deluge of advice to be a little bit overwhelming — not to mention the fact that many of these popular rituals and routines stress me out just thinking about them!

If I feel myself tense while I’m reading about a new method or system, that is my body giving me the sign that it’s time to step away slowly and try something else. No matter how many outrageously efficient founders swear by it, it won’t do you any good if it doesn’t feel right.

That said, I’m always on the hunt for new elements that I can incorporate into my daily routine to help me get more done and live with greater ease.

So this year, I’m running five productivity experiments to see if I can’t make some improvements to my work flow and my overall wellbeing:

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