How to Find Your Resolution Groove


The last few days of the year are a magical time.

It’s an occasion for us to reflect on the year behind us and look ahead to another 365 days full of possibility.

While we know logically that rolling into a new calendar year doesn’t actually change anything except the four digits that we’ll be writing for the next 52 weeks, the act of cracking open a new planner or calendar can make us feel truly limitless — as if we are being given a clean slate.

It’s only natural, then, that we would want to capitalize on the spirit of the season and set the tone for a fresh start.

For many of us, our first instinct is to set new year’s resolutions — a well-intentioned list of plans and goals that we hope will lay the foundation for a productive and happy year.

And that’s where I lose interest.  Because I can’t stand new years resolutions.

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